Schlag den Raab: Das 3. Spiel

Release Date calendar
September 11, 2012
Game Type type

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Max Players players

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Since the two predecessors sold over 250,000 times, a third part was released in September 2012. [12] The game is available for the PC, Wii and PS3 platforms. What is new in this game is the first-person perspective and the possibility to skip the opponent's attempt (NPC attempt) or to speed up the timing so that it appears to be spooled. Dialogues can also be canceled so that the game can be played more smoothly. There are 25 games and so-called "outdoor games". The controls have been improved, as has the AI. In addition to new slogans, the number of names has also been increased and the characters are provided with voice animations for the first time. The PEGI gave the game an age rating of 3 years.

Alternate Names

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