
KimiKiss (ebKore+)

Release Date calendar
February 14, 2008
Game Type type
Max Players players

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Summer holidays have passed uneventfully. For the later half of his high school life, Aibara, a second year high school student decides that waiting passively will not help him in getting closer to the girl of his dreams. He needs to take action. There was a girl in his first year of high school, although they have never spoken to each other, he knew he has his eyes on her. Moreover, he has never forgotten another girl he has regarded as an elder sister when he was young, but unfortunately as time passes, the two has grown apart. The school festival will be held in a month's time, and with a bit of courage, his feelings will surely be delivered to her. So, amongst the six attractive girls with different personalities, find his date! And with her, spend a spectacular day at the festival that neither of them could forget. Consider the location and your chosen girl's personality to select the right topic of conversation. Of course, there are times when she would refuse to talk to you. However, how can a person capture the heart of their crushes without trying? Experience a real life dating situation in this carefully crafted simulation game. The more conversations you have with the girl, the better chances you will have with her. When her feelings for you reached a certain level, there will be chances where you can reach out, in lightning speed and capture her heart. Be sure to watch out for the indicators that will appear on the screen! The Ebokore+ features a backlog function and various improvements over the original release. The game includes a bonus "kimikiss prelude kiss CD" which contains 7 tracks spanning a total of 28.80 minutes. There's no singing on the disc but rather a lot of talking as the voice actresses who provide the speech in the game engage in audio drama.

Alternate Names
  • KimiKiss - ebKore+

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