iBomber Defense

Release Date calendar
May 26, 2011
Platform joystick
Apple Mac OS
Game Type type

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Max Players players

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iBomber Defense is a tower defense game with a World War II theme. The gameplay is typical for the genre. The player has to stop an enemy invasion and this is done by placing turrets on the battlefield. The enemies come in waves that gets increasingly more difficult and to complete a level the player is not allowed to let more than 15 enemy units through to his base. The attacking forces follow certain paths and the player has to employ turrets in range of the enemy route (which changes between waves). The game features both land, air and sea enemy units. There are a few different turrets to choose from. Machine guns are good for light but fast units while cannons are slow and better suited for armored units. There are also sabotage turrets that slow down the enemies and comms that increases the performance of nearby turrets. For flying enemies anti-aircraft artillery is needed. The player earns money for destroying enemies and these can be used to upgrade and repair turrets. The enemies fire back at the turrets so repairs are necessary or they might be destroyed which is costly. The game consists of two campaigns and quickplays. First the player takes control of the allies and once it's been completed the axis campaign is unlocked. The player earns victory points for every completed level and these can be used to unlock weapon upgrades. After every three levels the player gets to play a bonus counterattack level where he gets to revisit a previous level and can then get extra victory points.

Alternate Names

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