
Top Gun: Fire at Will!

Release Date calendar
February 21, 1996
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

Players will be manning the F-14 fighter plane. Not only does this baby come with all the necessary tools and equipment needed for survival (radar, warning lights, altitude meters), it comes with a variety of missiles; there are standard air-to-air missiles, the air-to-ground AGMs, U238s made from depleted uranium, a disastrous Nuke, and the multiple target MIRV. It also comes with some defensive tools such as chaffs and flares that trick enemy radar. Don't worry, you're not going in the air alone! Merlin will act as your Radar Intercept Officer; loosely translated, he's the guy that sits behind you and watches out for enemy target locks. Additionally, the sweetly calm Raven and your arch rival Stinger will assist Maverick as his wingmen. When you get in a sticky situation, count on these guys to help you out! Top Gun: Fire at Will is a flight simulator based on the movie of the same name. You take the role of Maverick and must pilot your F-14 Tomcat with your RIO Merlin in the backseat through a series of missions that begin with the Top Gun School in San Diego and continue with conflict zones in Cuba, Korea and L

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E - Everyone

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