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Illustration of 1998 Amerika

1998 Amerika


1998 Amerika is similar to Risk but instead of using a map of the world and fighting for countries, this game uses a map of America and the battles are for states. Though this game is based on Risk it does not adhere to the rules of that game, for example when a player wins a battle they win propaganda cards which can be traded for armies.

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Alternate Names
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No information available


Clear Logo

1998 Amerika - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175

Fanart - Box - Front

1998 Amerika - Fanart - Box - Front - 743x1148
743 x 1148

Screenshot - Game Title

1998 Amerika - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

1998 Amerika - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200