
Bomberman Online

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

There are four gameplay modes in Online Bomberman: 'Survival Mode', 'Panel Paint Mode', 'Hyperbomb Mode', and 'Boss Battle Mode'. In Survival Rule, you either battle in a team or by yourself. You must kill all opposing players in order to win. In Panel Paint Mode, the floor is colored. When your bomb explodes, the floor will be covered with your team color. When you die you will be revived but the area you had 'occupied' will be erased. In Hyperbomb Mode, there are special hyperbomb items that you have to collect in order to win. There are 5 items in total. However, you only need to collect 3 then reach the center of the room in order to win. The difficult part in this game setting is that sometimes you must choose between letting your character die or losing all of your collected items. In Boss Survival Mode, the player will face a boss of his or her choice. The boss will place special bombs and hide. To combat the boss, the player can purchase items and use it for special effects.

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