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Fifth Eskadra


Fifth Eskadra is a strategic wargame focused on naval conflict between NATO and Soviet forces in the Mediterranean.

Designed for 1 - 2 players, each player controls the major naval and naval air forces of either NATO or Soviet forces. A computer opponent is available for 1-player games. The viewpoint is of the theater naval commander, and the player composes task forces, establishes missions and destinations for those groups, and responds to operational events.

The game is text-only, and came with a board and physical pieces to allow the player to keep track of the location of theirs and enemy units. Time passes in 8 hour intervals, allowing the player to input new commands for their fleet, but will stop to allow the player to react to enemy movements.

Gameplay occurs in 2 sections, first is taskforce management, where the player can combine and split ships from each taskforce to create new taskforces, and give movement orders. The player can also check the status of each unit, and set the mission for each taskforce, including: anti-surface, anti-submarine, attack shore targets, or shadow an enemy taskforce. The player can also request reinforcements, which may be granted. Enemy and friendly vessels enter the operational theater as time progresses. After this segment, taskforces radio in their current locations and operations if the player has contact with them. In the second segment, the player reviews intelligence reports from their taskforces, submarines, and aircraft.

At the beginning of each turn, both sides choose a level of conflict from Rising Tensions (peace), Conventional Warfare, Tactical Nuclear Warfare, or Operational Nuclear Warfare. At the beginning of each turn, the player chooses the level of conflict they deem appropriate, with the highest level winning. A player's choice can be overruled by high command. The game starts at rising tension (peace), but as direct combat between forces continues, there is the risk of escalating to global nuclear warfare, at which point the game has a 50% chance of ending each turn, as the specter of mutual annihilation drives the two forces to agree to peace terms.

J.T. Wissmann
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Fifth Eskadra - Box - Front - 525x700
North America -  525 x 700

Screenshot - Game Title

Fifth Eskadra - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Fifth Eskadra - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200