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Final Flight!



Imagine yourself at the controls of a small, single- engine plane, 10,000 feet in the air, on your approach to the runway and safety. You're running low on fuel, but your instruments show that you're on the glide path, and lined up with the run- way. It's a beautiful, sunny day, and you can see the airport in the distance, across the grassy fields. But the crosswind is tricky, and it will take all your skill to land safely. You're coming down now, and the runway is getting closer. A bit left, OK, now lower the power, fine, now put down the flaps. Pull the nose up a bit more, you're a little low. Watch the power! Don't stall. OK. Here comes the runway. You hear the squeal of tires on

pavement, your pulse quickens, you're down, but watch it, you're pulling right! Brakes, brakes! Left more! You've stopped safely! Good job. The first real-time flight simulator for C-64 is now available from MMG Micro Software. There are four levels of difficulty, landings. in clear or foggy weather, landings with or without instruments, and with or without the real-time view from the cockpit. Final Flight! requires a Commodore 64, 1 joy stick, and is offered. on tape or disk!

Lee Feinberg
Commodore 64
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320 x 200