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Illustration of Math Munchers Deluxe

Math Munchers Deluxe


Math Munchers Deluxe is a virtual game show where you control the main character (A frog like creature) around a board devouring the answers to math problems. However an iron stomach and math skills aren't all there is, you will also be under attack from strange creatures know as Troggles.

Questions of things you must find on the board will vary from "find the factors of 3," to "find less than half" "eat only prime numbers" etc. The player is given four munchers (lives) each time he/she eats a wrong answer a muncher is lost, the same applies to when you are touched by a Troggle.

Windows 3.X
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Back

Math Munchers Deluxe - Box - Back - 800x686
United States -  800 x 686

Box - Front

Math Munchers Deluxe - Box - Front - 800x972
United States -  800 x 972
Math Munchers Deluxe - Box - Front - 800x800
United States -  800 x 800

Screenshot - Gameplay

Math Munchers Deluxe - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1024x768
1024 x 768