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Illustration of Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery

Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery


It was Tuesday 3rd November, 1887. It had been a long two weeks for Holmes and Watson. Not a single case had come along since Holmes had solved the problem of the five orange pips, and Watson feared that Sherlock would soon slip into one of his deep depressions that always came along when he had nothing to excercise his brain. He just had to hope that something would come along soon. Fortunately something did...

Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery is a text adventure with some features not usually seen in the genre, making the game less gruesome to play than most of its counterparts.

You can follow characters, doors open automatically, you can save quick commands and the game features both undo and autosave.

Ian Eveleigh
Zenobi Software
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Screenshot - Game Title

Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 256x192
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Screenshot - Gameplay

Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 256x192
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