Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

You are Rankin Rodney and your task is to collect four instruments on a top view single screen and place them in their correct home over 20 levels. The screen is split into various coloured areas which are connected by different coloured moving circles. The coloured area you are on means you can only jump onto the same coloured circle and only jump off into the same coloured area. To change to a different colour you must jump onto a moving diamond which then allows you to jump onto a different coloured circle or into a different coloured area. In the centre of the screen are four triangles and you must move about the screen to get an instrument, once the instrument is collected, the triangle to place it on starts flashing. Once all four instruments are placed on their triangle, you move onto the next level. There are various notes and creatures moving about the screen as well and these can be collected for points but once you are carrying an instrument then touching these sends the instrument back to it's original place. Beside each instrument is an obstacle and when touched you lose a life and you also lose a life when the time runs out. Before you start the game, there are various options to select and these include how may players (1-2), which level to start on (1-8), number of lives (1-8) and skill level (easy, normal or hard). In the two player game, each player takes it in turn when the last player has been killed.

Alternate Names
  • Jammin

No information available




Not Rated

Tony Gibson
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