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Illustration of Tangram



For around 4000 years the Chinese have been enthralled by this puzzle concept. It consists of a set of 7 shapes, representing squares, triangles and trapezoids, which must be arranged to form a pre-defined pattern. In this version there are 200, representing things such as animals and buildings.

The shapes are on the right of the screen, and you move the mouse cursor over one to select it, then place it onto the shape as required. They can be rotated using the right mouse button.

All this is done against a time limit. As well as points for clearing a level, you get bonus time for completing them with time to spare. This bonus time can then be used on later levels if you run out of the allotted time. Once you have no bonus time, you can dig into your main score to provide more time.

There are two difficulty levels - the Novice level sees time elapse half as quickly as the Expert mode, and presents the levels in an approximate order of difficulty, whereas in Expert mode they are in randomised order.

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Box - Front

Tangram - Box - Front (Europe) - 587x707
Europe -  587 x 707

Clear Logo

Tangram - Clear Logo (null) - 400x150
400 x 150

Screenshot - Game Title

Tangram - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 640x480
640 x 480