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Illustration of The Secret of Monkey Island

The Secret of Monkey Island


Deep in the Caribbean lies Melee Island, ruled by the governor Elaine Marley. The cruel pirate LeChuck is deeply in love with her - so deeply that he refuses to accept his own death. As a ghost, he dwells with his undead crew somewhere near the mysterious Monkey Island. Meanwhile, a young fellow named Guybrush Threepwood is determined to become a real pirate. At the Scumm Bar he meets three pirates who tell him he has to complete three difficult tasks in order to be worthy of this title. But as Guybrush is trying to complete these tasks, he encounters the lovely governor, and this meeting changes his life forever. Risking to incur the wrath of LeChuck, Guybrush has to prove his wit is as sharp as his sword, and figure out a way to foil the ghost pirate's plans.

The Secret of Monkey Island is an adventure game that utilizes the command verb-based SCUMM interface first introduced in Maniac Mansion: the player constructs commands for Guybrush by selecting an appropriate verb and then combining it with an object or an inventory item. Objects that can be interacted with are highlighted when the player places a cursor over them. The game is the first LucasArts adventure in which it is impossible to get irrevocably stuck; like in Loom, the player character also cannot die. The branching dialogue system, where the player chooses between several available responses during conversations, allows the player to talk to characters in different ways without fearing a wrong choice, and is often used as a humorous device.

The puzzles are predominantly inventory-based; most of the problems in the game are solved by picking up items and combining them with each other or with objects (or people) in the game world. Several tasks are dialogue-based; among those is the humorous "insult swordfighting", which involves Guybrush learning and choosing witty insults while dueling pirates.

The CD DOS and FM Towns versions of the game have slightly updated interface (with graphically represented inventory items instead of the text-only labels in the original version), as well as CD audio music tracks.

Lucasfilm Games
Alternate Names
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Box - Back

The Secret of Monkey Island - Box - Back - 800x1108
Japan -  800 x 1108

Box - Front

The Secret of Monkey Island - Box - Front - 800x1107
Japan -  800 x 1107

Box - Spine

The Secret of Monkey Island - Box - Spine - 215x1600
Japan -  215 x 1600

Clear Logo

The Secret of Monkey Island - Clear Logo - 1200x613
World -  1200 x 613


The Secret of Monkey Island - Disc - 747x747
Japan -  747 x 747

Fanart - Background

The Secret of Monkey Island - Fanart - Background - 1920x1200
1920 x 1200

Screenshot - Game Title

The Secret of Monkey Island - Screenshot - Game Title - 960x720
Japan -  960 x 720

Screenshot - Gameplay

The Secret of Monkey Island - Screenshot - Gameplay - 960x720
Japan -  960 x 720
The Secret of Monkey Island - Screenshot - Gameplay - 960x720
Japan -  960 x 720
The Secret of Monkey Island - Screenshot - Gameplay - 960x720
Japan -  960 x 720