The heroine of Magic Knight is called Diamond Annabel Blackdiamond (sic). She is a very... erm... well-endowed young woman who also happens to have super powers: magical spells of various kinds. So one day, when a little village is attacked by monsters, the heroine dons her battle garments and ventures into the nearby cave, where the monsters presumably still hold some young innocent girls hostage. Magic Knight is a very basic solo dungeon crawler. The game consists of exploring maze-like pseudo-3D locations, fighting random enemies in turn-based style. In a certain way this game is a counterpart of Madou Monogatari: the heroine can only use magic, there is no equipment, and no damage feedback in combat (only text messages that describe the condition of the heroine and the enemy). But while Madou Monogatari games have an innocent air, Magic Knight has scenes with nudity. Even regular enemies are, for the most part, pretty half- or completely naked girls.
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