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Illustration of Jet Set Willy

Jet Set Willy


Cult hero Matthew Smith followed up Manic Miner with a seminal platform game. Having struck it lucky in the first game, Willy now owns a lavish mansion with over 60 rooms linked together, and must tidy it all before his housekeeper will let him sleep.

Unlike in Manic Miner, here all the rooms can be freely traversed from the start. Each room has its own hazards, such as spikes, guardians (ranging from demonic heads to giant penknives), and ropes which can be climbed and grasped in mid-air. Touching a monster or a stationary hazard, or falling a great distance, causes instant loss of a life and places Willy back at the room entrance.

The route through the house must be navigated carefully, due to the multiple entrances to some rooms - this is perhaps the first action game where mapping is an advantage. Another innovation, to the chagrin of players everywhere, is manual protection - a sheet of colour-coded numbers.

Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available


Box - Front

Jet Set Willy - Box - Front - 481x501
Europe -  481 x 501
Jet Set Willy - Box - Front - 250x399
United Kingdom -  250 x 399

Clear Logo

Jet Set Willy - Clear Logo - 400x175
World -  400 x 175

Fanart - Background

Jet Set Willy - Fanart - Background - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Jet Set Willy - Fanart - Background - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Screenshot - Game Title

Jet Set Willy - Screenshot - Game Title - 391x240
World -  391 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Jet Set Willy - Screenshot - Gameplay - 391x240
World -  391 x 240