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Illustration of Munch Mania

Munch Mania


Munch Mania is a single screen maze game based on the arcade game Pac-Man where you move Munch Maniac around a maze to eat all the devil dots. While you eat the dots you are chased by four ghosts and if you touch a ghost then you lose one of three lives. There are four flashing senior devil dots in each corner and when eaten allow you to chase and eat the ghosts for a short period of time. Occasionally a fruit will appear and when eaten give you bonus points and a level is completed once all the dots are eaten and you then play the same maze full of dots again.

Martin Ellis
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Munch Mania - Box - 3D - 449x714
Europe -  449 x 714

Box - Back

Munch Mania - Box - Back - 340x1200
Europe -  340 x 1200

Box - Front

Munch Mania - Box - Front - 731x1195
Europe -  731 x 1195

Box - Spine

Munch Mania - Box - Spine - 161x1207
Europe -  161 x 1207

Cart - Front

Munch Mania - Cart - Front - 1151x730
Europe -  1151 x 730
Munch Mania - Cart - Front - 1165x735
Europe -  1165 x 735

Clear Logo

Munch Mania - Clear Logo - 450x76
450 x 76

Screenshot - Gameplay

Munch Mania - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
Europe -  320 x 200