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Illustration of Grand Prix Driver

Grand Prix Driver


Grand Prix Driver is a racing game, developed by Britannia Software and published by Amsoft, which was released in Europe in 1984. You’re racing in a Formula 1 car along a track, and you must overtake 30 cars within 10 minutes. This isn’t a proper racing simulation at all, as the track is almost completely straight, and all the game consists of is dodging the oncoming cars. This is quite difficult, as you can’t steer your car and decelerate at the same time.

Amstrad CPC
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Grand Prix Driver - Box - 3D - 265x439
Europe -  265 x 439

Box - Back

Grand Prix Driver - Box - Back - 760x1181
Europe -  760 x 1181
Grand Prix Driver - Box - Back - 756x284
Europe -  756 x 284

Box - Front

Grand Prix Driver - Box - Front - 737x1176
Europe -  737 x 1176
Grand Prix Driver - Box - Front - 480x756
Europe -  480 x 756

Box - Spine

Grand Prix Driver - Box - Spine - 139x1181
Europe -  139 x 1181
Grand Prix Driver - Box - Spine - 159x1188
Europe -  159 x 1188

Cart - Front

Grand Prix Driver - Cart - Front - 585x365
Europe -  585 x 365
Grand Prix Driver - Cart - Front - 754x477
Europe -  754 x 477
Grand Prix Driver - Cart - Front - 1205x756
Spain -  1205 x 756

Clear Logo

Grand Prix Driver - Clear Logo - 400x42
Europe -  400 x 42

Screenshot - Game Title

Grand Prix Driver - Screenshot - Game Title - 384x270
384 x 270

Screenshot - Gameplay

Grand Prix Driver - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x270
384 x 270