League Soccer (Ashley Software)

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

A soccer league management simulation, one of many released this year. This one was created by BCS Soft and published by Ashley Software. INSTRUCTIONS League Soccer is a game of skill, luck and chance in which you, as Manager attempt to guide a Football League team to League and Cup Glory. The game is based on the English Football League and you may select your team from any of the 92 Clubs currently on that League. We do not want to give away too many tips on how to play as this will come with 'Management Experience', but we would like to point out a few rules etc. At the start of a game you must pick a squad of Players and put them on contract. Names should be entered in the format INITIAL.SURNAME ie. A. Nother as this is the format in which names are already held on the Transfer Market. The basic format for working out a players wages over a season is:- Weekly Wage-3*Players Form Min. �75. Appearance Money-1*Players Form Min.�25. For contracts of a greater length than one season you should add a bonus. A minimun of 13 players will be required for your Squad but it is advisabler to start with 18 - 20 Players. At no time will you be allowed more than 20 players in your Squad. When selecting a team it should be noted that players may be played out of position or even when thay are injured but this could be detrimental to the teams performance and, also, an injured players rating. Appearance money and Win bonus's are paid after each match but the wages are paid weekly. The League year consists of 46 weeks. First and Second Division clubs complete their League Season after 42 weeks and they are also exempt from the first two rounds of the F.A. Cup. First Division teams are also exempt from the First Round of the League Cup. One Final Note: We hope that you will cover yourself in League and Cup glory. However, should the club you manage find itself with debt's exceeding 1.000.000 pounds, you will find yourself unceremoniously bundled out of office.!! GOOD LUCK

Alternate Names
  • Liga Manager Germany Germany

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