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Illustration of Spannerman



This is a very good little arcade game, by Gem Software, who seemed to do the better games for Amsoft. Every screen has pipes and platforms and ladders and nasty rats. The pipes start to leak and you have to use your trusty spanner to stop them. As the water leaks out, it starts to fill up the screen from below, if the water gets too high then it covers some of the platforms and pipes. This means to fix those pipes you have to hold your breath, once under water a counter starts counting down from 99, once it reaches 0, you drown (it resets when you come up for air). And if that wasn't bad enough, there are huges rats after you as well AND there is randomly falling debris coming from the top of the screen, which you have to dodge. To get around the rats you can either jump over them or kick them.

The action gets quite frantic, with the pipes leaking, the water rising, debris falling and rats everywhere… you are madly trying to run and jump and climb up and down ladders to fix the leaks. You know eventually you will croak from something, it's only a matter of time…

Gem Software
Amstrad CPC
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Spannerman - Box - 3D - 214x422
Europe -  214 x 422
Spannerman - Box - 3D - 236x434
Spain -  236 x 434
Spannerman - Box - 3D - 236x434
Europe -  236 x 434

Box - Back

Spannerman - Box - Back - 747x1189
Europe -  747 x 1189

Box - Front

Spannerman - Box - Front - 596x777
Europe -  596 x 777
Spannerman - Box - Front - 250x392
Spain -  250 x 392
Spannerman - Box - Front - 747x1189
Europe -  747 x 1189

Box - Spine

Spannerman - Box - Spine - 141x1189
Europe -  141 x 1189

Cart - Back

Spannerman - Cart - Back - 1400x885
Europe -  1400 x 885

Cart - Front

Spannerman - Cart - Front - 730x466
Europe -  730 x 466
Spannerman - Cart - Front - 1187x747
Spain -  1187 x 747

Clear Logo

Spannerman - Clear Logo - 333x40
333 x 40


Spannerman - Disc - 458x580
Europe -  458 x 580

Screenshot - Game Title

Spannerman - Screenshot - Game Title - 384x270
384 x 270
Spannerman - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Spannerman - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x270
384 x 270