
Street Cred Boxing

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

An consortium from some yuppie executives want the building that houses Joe Lebrinskis' Gym on the East side, and the cost to save it is $50,000. Without the money you and the other four members have decided to train and face the yuppie's goons from the West Side by completing two training exercises before facing them in the street. To make sure only the best five boxers are good enough, each fighter must spend 20 seconds on the punch bag with you waggling the joystick left and right as fast as you can for each boxer. The more punches hit, the more a bar grows at the bottom of the screen grows and when it turns yellow then the fighter can move onto the next exercise. Fail to get yellow and the fighter can't fight. The screen shows the top half of the boxer from the side. If any fighters have qualified then they can spar with six boxers. All six boxers must be defeated so the more boxers you have the better chances of beating them. Two bars at the top of the screen shows each boxers energy bar. Hitting the other boxer decreases their bar and if it reaches zero then they are defeated. If your boxer is defeated then another qualified boxer steps in. Fail to beat all six boxers then it's game over. The screen is viewed from the side with the screen scrolling a short distance to the left or right when your boxer moves. Any boxer that qualified but lost in the sparring exercise can still fight so it's onto the streets to face six of the yuppie's goons. The screen is viewed from the side with the screen scrolling from left to right as your boxer moves. As with the sparring both fighters have an energy bar and hitting decreases it. Defeat a goon and you walk to the right to face the next one. Lose all your boxers remaining and it' s game over, defeat six goons and you have saved the gym.

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