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Illustration of Thunder Boy

Thunder Boy


In Thunder Boy the player takes the role of Julian, whose girlfriend Jane was kidnapped by the fire dragon Drago. The reason: They rebelled when Drago took over their homeland. Julian's goal is to rescue Jane.

This game is a side-scrolling platformer similar to Wonder Boy. The player walks from left to right while evading the enemies. Touching those drains Julian's life energy (reaching zero results in a life loss) - but so does starving. He has to pick up fruits to avoid this happening. Initially Julian can't attack the enemies, but after a while he finds an axe. The game features 20 levels.

Alternate Names
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Box - Back

Thunder Boy - Box - Back - 512x544
World -  512 x 544

Box - Front

Thunder Boy - Box - Front - 512x571
World -  512 x 571

Clear Logo

Thunder Boy - Clear Logo - 1778x622
World -  1778 x 622


Thunder Boy - Disc - 317x326
317 x 326

Screenshot - Game Title

Thunder Boy - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

Thunder Boy - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x256
320 x 256