Hurra Deutschland

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

Hurra Deutschland - based on a satirical 1990's German TV show of the same name - lets players take the role of Paul. Paul is an early retiree and does not enjoy any publicity, but is nonetheless approached by the mysterious Dr. Becher and offered a chance to run in the 1994 German election. To do so, players must assist Paul in giving speeches regarding some current issue, buying TV ads, talking foreign leaders (such as Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussein or the pope), all to win the hearts (and votes) of the common people. At the same time, four major industrial lobbies (nucelar energy, chemical industry, genetic research, arms production, all of which happen to be represented by the same lobbyist) must be kept happy, as their monetary "aid" is the only means of finance available to Paul. This usually presents Paul with the dilemma of either pleasing the voters by promising to take action against some branch of industry or to please the respective industry (but losing some votes). Also, the election is only two weeks away and Dr. Becher has some dark plans of his own, giving players the challenge to not only win the election, but also to avert a major political crisis. The gameplay is turn-based and consists mostly of dialouge choices. Animations are a mixture of cartoon drawings and pictures taken from the TV show. The game keeps a comical tone throughout, variing between "proper" political satire and downright sillyness: Current issues on which candidates must comment may include the attack of mutated tomatoes on the run from a genetic laboratory, players may incite other politicians to get involved in bar fights (which makes their party lose some voters), and must buy gossip regarding the other candidates - represented as bags of dirt - to use in the big final "debate" of all candidates, which is a literal mud fight.

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