The Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories series, consisting of three games (each game focuses on three of the girls from Tokimemo 2 with the exception of the last game which focuses on four girls). The games are highly regarded for the mini-games in each game. The second game ("Leaping School Festival") focuses on Ichimonji Akane, Akai Homura and Ijuuin Mei. Unlike the other two Substories games there are three mini games in this game (one for each girl). Each girl's story is explored a bit further and their backgrounds are fleshed out in this volume. Many fans disappointed by the missing Tokimemo 1 girls in Toki 2 (telephone messages don't matter) get some satisfaction when Saki Nijino cameos in this volume. She visits Hibikino High School from Kirameki to root for her team in a soccer match between the two schools.
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