Digimon Tamers is the third animated series based on the Japanese Digimon franchise, first broadcast in 2001 on Fuji TV in Japan and on Fox Kids in the United States. The story takes place initially in a "alternative" universe, on a world much like Earth where Digimon is just a franchise, composed of video games, and a collectible card game. A group of three 12-year-olds (10-year olds in the Japanese version), Takato, Henry and Rika (fans of the Digimon card game) meet their own Digimon friends and start to duel "bio-emerging" Digimon who cross the barrier between the information network, synthesizing proteins and becoming real. Most of it is set in the modern Shinjuku ward of Tokyo, Japan and only changes scenario to the Digital World for a short time. Digimon Tamers is significantly darker than its predecessors and deals with storylines more for older audiences. This series has also adapted into a 4-volume manga series. Digimon Tamers - Pocket Culumon let the player choose from your favorite from a bunch of Digimon-themed mini-games and download them to the PocketStation. Then take the mini-game with you and play it wherever you go. Also features a Culumon virtual pet and a complete database of Digimon creatures from the TV series. Released at a budget pricepoint of Yen 2,800 in Japan only.
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