AC/DC is a pinball machine from March 2012, manufactured by Stern Pinball, Inc. The machine came in three models including the Pro, Premium, and LE. The machine was confirmed in January 2012 with the release of a teaser video showcasing the game, along with the twelve songs involved in its soundtrack. Each song is the subject of a mode, from which players can work towards a multi-ball for additional points. The machine came in three models including the Pro, Premium, and LE.
Designer Steve Richie signed the playfield and provides the voice-over for the game (which you can change for maximum insulting). LE model included an exclusive backglass, "Shake & Quake" motor, and laser cut backbox hinges. Both the LE and the Premium have a 12" subwoofer and the underworld playfield. It features a swinging bell involved in the Hells Bells mode and a lower playfield in the Premium and LE editions for modes that use the word Hell in the song's title.