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Illustration of Dragon Ball Kart 64

Dragon Ball Kart 64


Dragon Ball Kart 64 is a Rom Hack (by ImmaVegeta) based on Mario Kart 64 on the Nintendo 64. The game was released on January 8, 2018.

Dragon Ball Kart 64 features 8 custom characters with fully replaced custom voices:

Goku, Frieza, Trunks, Krillin, Piccolo, Beerus, Vegeta and Cell.​ Other changes include custom title screens and menus; and Courses that have been re-textured to fit within the Dragon Ball universe.

The game requires the 8Mb Memory Expansion to run.

No information available
Nintendo 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Clear Logo - 400x188
World -  400 x 188

Fanart - Box - Front

Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Fanart - Box - Front - 640x448
World -  640 x 448
Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Fanart - Box - Front - 2792x3681
United States -  2792 x 3681

Fanart - Cart - Front

Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Fanart - Cart - Front - 400x267
World -  400 x 267

Screenshot - Game Select

Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Screenshot - Game Select - 600x315
World -  600 x 315

Screenshot - Gameplay

Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x720
World -  1280 x 720
Dragon Ball Kart 64 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1280x720
World -  1280 x 720