
Colour Clash

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Colour Clash is based on Amidar, and named after the Spectrum ‘feature’ whereby moving colours don’t correctly fit the objects as they move. Through four stages (two competitive ones, alternated with bonus stages) the player must fight off an invasion of alien paint pots, and you only have a pot and a few grenades to fight back. The player is presented with a network of interconnected lines, and must move over every line. When a rectangle has been completely enclosed, it will change colour. During this phase you must avoid contact with the many alien pots, but have a limited number of grenades to clear the screen of them. Once the screen is completely filled, you have a limited amount of time to hit them for bonus points. Level 3 is similar to this, except that any outstanding lines to fill a box must be completed in sequence; leaving the square will blank the lines out. Level 2 is a one-press bonus game - a properly-timed press will guide an arrow down a network of lines into the specified point, for a points boost. Level 4 is a Light Cycles game – block the lines (which represent attacking pots) by using your trail to shut the space on the screen, leaving them with nowhere to move. After level 4 is completed, the game cycles through the four levels again, with increased difficulty.

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