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Illustration of Devil Assault

Devil Assault


A classic space shooter by Ken Kalish released by Microdeal. Fast paced action, intense sound and some original twists to an old theme characterize this game. The game consists of four different levels. When all levels are completed, it starts at the first level again.

Level 1 is the Bombing Wave with space birds flying back and forth trying to bomb your ship at the bottom of the screen.

Level 2 is a second Bombing Wave, somewhat more difficult than the first since the birds are located closer to your ship.

Level 3 is the Robot Assault. Now the action becomes more challenging. Robots descend from the top of the screen moving in a zig-zag pattern that somehow homes in on your location and at the same time they drop bombs.

Level 4 is the Sproing wave. Spring-mounted aliens descend and then bounce back up when they hit the bottom of the screen, resulting in a chaos of aliens flying in all directions and often ending up with them crushing your ship.

Dragon 32/64
Alternate Names
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No information available
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Box - 3D

Devil Assault - Box - 3D (null) - 236x434
236 x 434

Box - Back

Devil Assault - Box - Back (Europe) - 287x1183
Europe -  287 x 1183

Box - Front

Devil Assault - Box - Front (Europe) - 767x1187
Europe -  767 x 1187

Cart - Front

Devil Assault - Cart - Front (Europe) - 1154x736
Europe -  1154 x 736

Clear Logo

Devil Assault - Clear Logo (Europe) - 634x528
Europe -  634 x 528

Screenshot - Game Title

Devil Assault - Screenshot - Game Title (Europe) - 640x480
Europe -  640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

Devil Assault - Screenshot - Gameplay (Europe) - 640x480
Europe -  640 x 480