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Illustration of Algebra Arcade

Algebra Arcade


Algebra Arcade is an educational game which despite its title is not an arcade game. It does include some aliens however and these appear on a coordinate grid. The player's task is to zap as many of these so called algebroids as possible and this is done by typing in equations. When the entered equation is plotted a whirlwind will follow its path and knock off any algebroids that it passes through. For each algebroid that is taken out the player earns some points. At the same time it is necessary to avoid the ghost that is also located on the grid. If it is hit the Graph Gobbler will appear and munch the equation and the player will be without any points. The player will also be sent to a committee which can penalize the player by taking away some turns. The game can be played by one or two players who each has ten turns. Extra turns are given for scoring 10,000 points, clearing all the algebroids or by finding the Graph Gobbler which is invisible on the grid.

No information available
Apple II
Alternate Names
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No information available
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Clear Logo

Algebra Arcade - Clear Logo - 510x140
United States -  510 x 140

Fanart - Box - Front

Algebra Arcade - Fanart - Box - Front - 569x684
United States -  569 x 684

Screenshot - Game Title

Algebra Arcade - Screenshot - Game Title - 560x384
560 x 384

Screenshot - Gameplay

Algebra Arcade - Screenshot - Gameplay - 560x384
560 x 384