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Illustration of Energy Field

Energy Field


You are at the edge of Time, closely pursued by a fleet of alien craft who are out to steal your ship’s power. However you have a trick or two up your sleeve. You have the capacity to guard the ends of the time tunnel by setting up energy fields at each of the four open ends of the system. If you attempt to set up a force field anywhere other than at the ends of the time tunnel, the force will feedback and destroy you. Likewise, if you set up a field at the end of an unoccupied tunnel you are finished. Passive cruiser commanders who allow too many aliens through will find their power drained and the game over.

From the book "Sixty Programs for the Commodore 64" / Your 64 No.02 1984/09.

Pan Books
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Energy Field - Box - Front (World) - 894x1366
World -  894 x 1366

Clear Logo

Energy Field - Clear Logo (null) - 533x135
533 x 135

Screenshot - Gameplay

Energy Field - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200