
The Energem Enigma

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Part of the Extricator Trilogy and created in the Quill Adventure system. Professor Roberts can't go for one minute without getting involved in some highly secret project. The problem is, every experiment he attempts comes hand-in-hand with trouble! After returning from the planet Arg (in Extricator), the prof gets working on his latest invention. He Earth-Shattering experiment can only commence when four precious crystals known as Energems are located and retrieved. In order to seek ou the valuable stones, a detector was constructed. This, however, was shabbily put together and can only detect crystals within five locations. Professor Roberts isn't so hot when it comes to athletics, so instead o trudging around distant planets himself he hires you, a spacial agent to journey to the Glenbo star system to carry on where the last agent left off. Your task is to find the crystals and return them to the grateful professor. Once all four crystals are found they must be taken to the underground transportation tube to be beamed back to HQ. The atmosphere on the planet isn't particularly healthy for a human but you do have four air tanks, all of which are easily charged and carried. If successful, you'll be the first to test Professor Roberts' latest invention, which is apparently something pretty special!

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