SD Gundam Gaiden is a spin-off of the SD Gundam franchise, in which cutesy versions of the Gundam robots from the classic anime series are put into a medieval fantasy setting, which Lacroan Heroes adapts as a Dragon Quest-like RPG. Knight Gundam is tasked by Princess Frau to investigate the dealings of the evil Satan Gundam and his forces in the land of Lacroa. Knight must travel through dungeons, castles and towns, finding allies, fighting monsters and becoming strong enough to finally defeat the bad guy. Gameplay follows the standard DQ template in which gold and experience are gained through random turn-based battles against enemies. The battles are controlled through a menu that allows fighting, defending, using magic or items, or fleeing the battle. Knight starts the game alone, but can recruit additional party members. The game consists of several distinct quests accessed through magic doors. While they can theoretically be taken on in any order, they are designed in order of increasing difficulty.
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