Trains & Trucks Tycoon

Release Date calendar
March 22, 2002
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

No information available


Trains & Trucks Tycoon is an economic simulation in full 3D where the player is the manager of a transport company. To make money he uses his vehicles - overall 56 different kinds including trains and trucks - to ship goods from the production place to the customers. The player has to build all streets and routes himself. There it is important to think of the complex good circuits, e.g. a car factory needs raw materials from steelworks which in turn needs coal and iron from mines. In the campaign consisting of seven missions the player recreates the history of the family Mann. For example in the first mission he builds as Charles Mann the first train between Stockton and Darlington in 1825 or later he is Bau Mann after WWII. In the nine scenarios the goal is to compete with the AI. Of course there is also a free playing mode with random maps.

Alternate Names

No information available


No information available




E - Everyone

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