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Illustration of Double Take

Double Take


A shoot-em-up game. You are a professor who can fly around. The game play area is divided into different kinds of rooms. There are two parallel universes (the "good" and "bad" - or "modern" and "ancient", if you prefer - versions of the universe), and you get sent from one universe to another at times. Part of the game is to collect items from these mirror worlds that have been swapped, and return them to their correct places, thus restoring the balance. In addition to this, you also need to shoot a lot of aliens before they shoot you, culminating with the fight against the big alien end monster.

Denton Designs
Ocean Software
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

Double Take - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 600x863
Europe -  600 x 863

Box - 3D

Double Take - Box - 3D - 334x551
Europe -  334 x 551

Box - Front

Double Take - Box - Front - 900x1150
Europe -  900 x 1150

Cart - Front

Double Take - Cart - Front - 778x492
Europe -  778 x 492

Clear Logo

Double Take - Clear Logo - 400x175
Europe -  400 x 175

Screenshot - Game Title

Double Take - Screenshot - Game Title - 256x192
256 x 192

Screenshot - Gameplay

Double Take - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x192
256 x 192
Double Take - Screenshot - Gameplay - 512x384
512 x 384
Double Take - Screenshot - Gameplay - 512x384
512 x 384