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Illustration of Gormiti: The Lords of Nature!

Gormiti: The Lords of Nature!


Gormiti the popular television series and toy range is coming to the Nintendo Wii.

Become the mighty Lords of Nature in an exciting arcade action adventure; uncover an ancient secret as you explore the magical Island of Gorm.

Master each Lord's unique powers and abilities; harness and control the forces of nature to save Gormiti friends from the cruel grasp of Lord Magmion.

Unleash awesome super attacks to defeat Magmion's tribe of Volcano Gormiti.

Summon the elemental powers of Earth, Air, Sea and Forest to solve puzzles, alter the world, and open path to victory.

Climax Studios
Nintendo Wii
Alternate Names
  • Gormiti: Los Señores de la NaturalezaSpainFlag of Spain region
  • Gormiti: Die Herrscher der Natur!GermanyFlag of Germany region
No information available
No information available



Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Banner - 680x52
North America -  680 x 52

Box - 3D

Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - 3D - 836x1446
836 x 1446

Box - Back

Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - Back - 800x1120
Germany -  800 x 1120
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - Back - 487x679
North America -  487 x 679
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - Back - 1058x1390
The Netherlands -  1058 x 1390

Box - Front

Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - Front - 945x1333
North America -  945 x 1333
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - Front - 800x1125
Germany -  800 x 1125
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Box - Front - 589x800
The Netherlands -  589 x 800

Clear Logo

Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Clear Logo - 400x175
Spain -  400 x 175
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Clear Logo - 452x153
World -  452 x 153


Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Disc - 580x581
North America -  580 x 581
Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Disc - 526x485
Europe -  526 x 485

Screenshot - Game Title

Gormiti: The Lords of Nature! - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x480
640 x 480