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KOMPLEX BRIEFING SUMMARY - PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE - News media have informed the public only that KOMPLEX is a giant meteorite currently passing through our solar system, and that it poses no threat to Earth or our space colonies. MISSION OVERVIEW: Space Operations Agency first detected the object now known as KOMPLEX two years ago. Long range Sensors and computer analysis showed that KOMPLEX is in fact an alien spacecraft. It's present flight path will bring KOMPLEX briefly and harmlessly into the solar system. Once KOMPLEX leaves our system, it will never return. To date, twelve probes have been launched to explore KOMPLEX. Data returned by the surviving probes indicates that KOMPLEX was created by an alien technology far in advance of our own. The President has sanctioned Space Operations Agency to take any and all necessary steps to keep KOMPLEX within the solar system for extended study by scientists and engineers. Yours is the final mission that can be launched before KOMPLEX escapes the range of even the Agency's fastest spacecraft. MISSION OBJECTIVE - SPECIFIC Among the known KOMPLEX Modules, there are seven special types, labelled K,O,M,P,L,E and X. Evidence suggests that this exact set of Modules, installed in the KOMPLEX CCC, will automatically redirect KOMPLEX into stable orbit within our solar system. Your mission is to obtain the seven KOMPLEX Modules, and install them in the CCC. Your ship's onboard computers will help you locate Racks containing KOMPLEX Modules, and your ship's cargo space will hold one KOMPLEX Module at a time.

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