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Illustration of Magic Pockets

Magic Pockets


BK is ready to do anything to recover his favorite toys!

The young Bitmap Kid has pants with bottomless pockets, allowing him to store all his favorite toys. But these pockets overlook a universe called PocketLand and the inhabitants had the bad idea to steal the precious objects of BK. Venture into many levels where you have to crush your enemies with a multitude of weapons right out of your pockets and find the exit of the course by collecting the most points possible. You will be able to count on power-ups to overcome this fantastic adventure.

Sega Genesis
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Magic Pockets - Box - 3D - 369x580
World -  369 x 580
Magic Pockets - Box - 3D - 698x1102
Europe -  698 x 1102

Box - Front

Magic Pockets - Box - Front - 904x1280
North America -  904 x 1280
Magic Pockets - Box - Front - 568x800
Europe -  568 x 800

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Magic Pockets - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 817x1239
Europe -  817 x 1239
Magic Pockets - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 817x1239
World -  817 x 1239

Clear Logo

Magic Pockets - Clear Logo - 1200x252
World -  1200 x 252

Screenshot - Game Title

Magic Pockets - Screenshot - Game Title - 1881x1440
World -  1881 x 1440

Screenshot - Gameplay

Magic Pockets - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1881x1440
World -  1881 x 1440