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Illustration of Reindeer Rescue

Reindeer Rescue


Reindeer Rescue is an original homebrew game written by Bob Montgomery, author of the captivating homebrew game Go Fish! In Reindeer Rescue you must help Santa rescue his lost reindeer in a journey that has you starting at the North Pole, racing through frozen tundra, ice caves, suburbia, and the big city! But Santa is not the athlete he used to be (1943 state champion in 400m)--he has grown a little...girthy...around the middle. His doesn't have quite the energy he used to, and if it drops too low he'll fail in his task! Along the way Santa will encounter many objects in the air and on the ground--some will help and some will hinder, so be careful!

Reindeer Rescue features in-game artwork by Nathan Strum (who has contributed to several recent homebrew projects), and included a beautifully illustrated label and manual by Dave Exton, whose brush graces many homebrew games.

Bob Montgomery
Atari 2600
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Box - 3D

Reindeer Rescue - Box - 3D - 455x672
North America -  455 x 672

Box - Front

Reindeer Rescue - Box - Front - 669x916
North America -  669 x 916

Cart - Front

Reindeer Rescue - Cart - Front - 404x466
404 x 466

Clear Logo

Reindeer Rescue - Clear Logo - 400x105
400 x 105

Screenshot - Game Title

Reindeer Rescue - Screenshot - Game Title - 1516x1080
1516 x 1080

Screenshot - Gameplay

Reindeer Rescue - Screenshot - Gameplay - 1516x1080
1516 x 1080