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Illustration of Tremor



Tremor is an arcade action maze game. You control a Miracloid droid around a 400-room map, avoiding 20 types of enemy whilst collecting 10 jewel-shaped "qigit" objects. Each "qigit" must be dropped onto an associated dock, somewhere else on the map. Controls are left/right/thrust/jump/fire (similar to JetPac). There are power-ups etc. in some rooms.

Gameplay is mainly about exploration, with some quick reactions called for when enemies spawn in tricky situations. You can only hold 3 objects at any one time, so a certain amount of swapping and dropping objects is required. The game intro featured some 1-bit sampled speech.

Timothy Closs
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Box - 3D

Tremor - Box - 3D - 334x551
334 x 551

Box - Back

Tremor - Box - Back - 571x888
Europe -  571 x 888

Box - Front

Tremor - Box - Front - 580x900
Europe -  580 x 900

Cart - Front

Tremor - Cart - Front - 769x488
Europe -  769 x 488

Clear Logo

Tremor - Clear Logo - 400x101
Europe -  400 x 101

Screenshot - Game Title

Tremor - Screenshot - Game Title - 256x192
Europe -  256 x 192

Screenshot - Gameplay

Tremor - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x192
Europe -  256 x 192