
Twilight Zone

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We now have control; you are entering the TWILIGHT ZONE. We are a much superior race, far more advanced than you mere humans. We inhabit the Twilight Zone, which is another dimension parallel to your own. We have brought you to the Twilight Zone to amuse ourselves. You see because of our vastly superior brains, our bodies became practically obsolete a few eons ago. So to derive any physical pleasure we enter your dimension and then remove certain humans for our games. Each yaron we create a whole new game, so that we will not become bored. And I must say that this yaron we have created the best game ever in our history. The game consists of ten zones; each one harder than the last. You have control of two lazers one on the horizontal and one on the vertical planes of the screen. If either one of your lazers happens to be destroyed then your remaining base is crippled and you will lose a life. Your journey through each zone is determined by time and not by your score, but the more aliens you shoot the more points you will get. Each successive zone gives you another different alien to contend with; and each has its own particular attack pattern. If you lose four lives before you reach the Ultima Zone (zone 10); we will kill you. So now you know the rules prepare to play Earthling. We wish you the worst of luck.

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Not Rated

Nick Outram
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