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Illustration of Berzerk Debugged

Berzerk Debugged


Berzerk Debugged is a version of the original Berzerk which no longer has crashes and has a few other bugs fixed. In the original version, there is a bug which causes the player to not receive a bonus for destroying all enemies on a level with ten robots. The crash exists at higher point ranges (5,000/7,000 points and above). At these point ranges, a high number of robots return fire simultaneously and overload the memory needed to keep track of all the projectiles. In addition, robots can no longer shoot through walls.

Homebrewer Mark Shaker released Berzerk Debugged as part of At the time, he had acquired two different fixed version of Berzerk which contained several bug fixes. One was a GCE prototype dubbed Berzerk II and the other was a debug by Fred Taft from a disassembled ROM. Both fixed the crash and had a number of other optimizations. Berzerk II is included on the Sean Kelly Multicart 2.0 while the Fred Taft Berzerk Debugged may be the version released by Mark Shaker and later John Donzila.

GCE Vectrex
Alternate Names
  • Berzerk Bugfixed
No information available


Box - 3D

Berzerk Debugged - Box - 3D (North America) - 782x1207
North America -  782 x 1207

Cart - 3D

Berzerk Debugged - Cart - 3D (North America) - 700x700
North America -  700 x 700

Cart - Front

Berzerk Debugged - Cart - Front (North America) - 700x700
North America -  700 x 700

Clear Logo

Berzerk Debugged - Clear Logo (North America) - 699x174
North America -  699 x 174

Fanart - Box - Front

Berzerk Debugged - Fanart - Box - Front (North America) - 360x501
North America -  360 x 501
Berzerk Debugged - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 800x1024
800 x 1024