Mobile Suit Gundam is a side-scrolling action game based on the popular 1979 animated series of the same title and its three film adaptations, casting the player as the series' main character, the young pilot Amuro Ray. The story generally follows the plot of the films with only minor changes, and includes new animation from the original animation studio Sunrise that remakes famous scenes from the original. The player pilots the titular RX-78-2 Gundam in both ground-based run-and-gun and space-based flight stages, using various weapons to destroy enemies; Radio chatter from other characters plays throughout each stage, and it is often necessary to destroy all enemies in an area to advance the story. As missions are completed, additional weapons become available and the player can customize their equipment loadout before each stage. Of special note is the Newtype Attack, which when charged and locked on will deal instant damage to targeted enemies, including enemies in the foreground and background outside the range of normal attacks.
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