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Illustration of Afrika



Afrika is a German shareware strategy game for up to three players set in the colonial period in Africa.

Playing France, Germany or England, your goal is to defeat the other two nations. First you have to build up your economy to earn money. You can build tobacco or cocoa plantations, goldmines and diamond mines. It is important to choose the right environment for the different mines and plantations. If you build a goldmine in a desert, then you won't make any profit and lose money because there is no or only little gold deposit and your workers want to be paid, too.

From time to time you suffer from thieves who steal your earnings or from locusts that destroy your harvest. With a one-time purchase of guards or insect repellent you can prevent these incidents. Having hired soldiers you can destroy adversarial buildings to weaken his economy or destroy his headquarters to expel him permanently from Africa and from the game. You win when you destroy both opponents.

Magic Games
Magic Games
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Screenshot - Game Title

Afrika - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Screenshot - Gameplay

Afrika - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Afrika - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480