As a willing participant in the game, a player chooses a hero from eight different characters including Jiggar the Treasure Hunter, who hunts for gems or Princess Tiara, she of the privileged class whose luck factor in the game awards her with bonus parcels of land. Upon the throw of the dice, a player moves the allotted spaces on an expansive board broken up into squares. Landing on a property square opens up the option of purchasing it. Essentially, the player is joining the landlord class and may eventually build stores on his/her plots of land which doubles the rent other players have to pay if they land on it. Hoarding adjacent properties eventually helps to build up a mini-fiefdom which exacts payment from hapless opponents to build up the player's treasury. Battles and events are also triggered when players land on certain squares, or when cards are thrown to ignite a fight. Capcom's monetary denomination is called Zenny, and it is present in games from Forgotten Worlds to Mega Man Legends. It also pays the rent in Gaia Master. At the end of the day, the player with the most Zenny wins.
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