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Illustration of Gatecrasher



Gatecrasher is a puzzle game where the player has to roll barrels through a maze into the right baskets. The maze is viewed from the side and the player controls a character on top of it. Beneath the maze are nine boxes and the player has to guide a barrel into each box. The maze consists of tunnels and a number of gates, each which alters the direction of the barrels. The player has to study the maze to find the right route through the maze and then drop the barrels in right entry hole at the top. The player can also change the maze layout by moving it up and down. There's also an earthquake option which rattles all the gates at random. The game goes on until all 20 barrels have been used or all boxes are occupied. If two barrels are placed in the same box, both will be removed.

Levels have different objectives, as follows:

Level 1-4: one barrel has to be placed in each box

Level 5-6: numbers have to be sorted into order. Each box has a number and when a barrel is dropped into it, it will switch its contents with the box to the right

Level 7: one barrel has to be placed in each box

Level 8: a sequence has to be repeated

Amstrad CPC
Alternate Names
  • ResquilleurFranceFlag of France region
No information available


Box - 3D

Gatecrasher - Box - 3D - 237x434
Europe -  237 x 434

Box - Back

Gatecrasher - Box - Back - 763x1178
United Kingdom -  763 x 1178
Gatecrasher - Box - Back - 1060x1396
Spain -  1060 x 1396
Gatecrasher - Box - Back - 895x1175
France -  895 x 1175

Box - Front

Gatecrasher - Box - Front - 376x589
United Kingdom -  376 x 589
Gatecrasher - Box - Front - 1056x1396
Spain -  1056 x 1396
Gatecrasher - Box - Front - 898x1175
France -  898 x 1175

Box - Spine

Gatecrasher - Box - Spine - 134x1178
United Kingdom -  134 x 1178
Gatecrasher - Box - Spine - 132x1396
Spain -  132 x 1396
Gatecrasher - Box - Spine - 67x1175
France -  67 x 1175

Cart - Front

Gatecrasher - Cart - Front - 579x363
United Kingdom -  579 x 363
Gatecrasher - Cart - Front - 1171x736
Spain -  1171 x 736

Clear Logo

Gatecrasher - Clear Logo - 545x112
545 x 112


Gatecrasher - Disc - 933x1181
France -  933 x 1181

Screenshot - Game Title

Gatecrasher - Screenshot - Game Title - 384x270
384 x 270

Screenshot - Gameplay

Gatecrasher - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x270
384 x 270