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Can you help Moosh to close the bridge between his world and the world that the evil Tsych inhabits, thus saving his people from doom? This is a puzzle game consisting of 32 deviously designed levels made up of tiles, most of which will disappear after Moosh moves to another tile. The aim is to guide Moosh from his starting position to the purple tile that marks the exit, and to remove all the tiles that can be removed. The first few levels are fairly easy, but it becomes quite difficult surprisingly quickly, although you are given passwords which enable you to skip earlier levels. This is the first totally new game on the CPC to see a commercial release for at least ten years, and I certainly welcome it. Although there is very little sound, the graphics are colourful and the game as a whole is very challenging.

Kevin Thacker
Amstrad CPC
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available



Stranded - Banner - 587x76
Europe -  587 x 76

Box - Back

Stranded - Box - Back - 364x587
Europe -  364 x 587

Box - Front

Stranded - Box - Front - 374x587
Europe -  374 x 587

Screenshot - Game Title

Stranded - Screenshot - Game Title - 384x270
384 x 270

Screenshot - Gameplay

Stranded - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x270
384 x 270