An 'avoid it" style action game published in 64'er Sonderheft 97. "Smash-Ball": Without warning, a very rich banker planet explodes in space. Collect all the money bags that are whizzing through the universe without getting hit by meteorite parts! The news spread like wildfire: Suddenly and without warning, the planet Bankonia in the Hyponid system had exploded! Millions of tiny fragments of meteorites race towards the neighboring planet Ballonia! The Ballonians read the headlines: A monstrous meteorite had grazed Bankonia and crumbled the planet into millions of pieces which are approaching Ballonia's orbit. Sirens wail, reconnaissance planes take to the skies, the spherical residents of Ballonia run back and forth like a startled swarm of bees — except for one, who stays cool: Smash, a yellow-skinned Ballonian who works as a garbage collector is our only hope!
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