Overview Edit This game is a hack of "The King of Fighters 2002 - Challenge to Ultimate Battle".DevelopersNo information availablePublishersNo information availablePlatformArcadeGenreFighting Alternate Names KOF 10th Anniversary Extra PlusWikipediaNo information availableVideohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtMh-x02LZY
Media Manage images Arcade - MarqueeWorld - 1024 x 3063840 x 1062Box - 3DWorld - 1020 x 1451Box - FrontWorld - 700 x 1000Clear LogoWorld - 600 x 400World - 600 x 400Screenshot - Game Select320 x 224Screenshot - Game Title320 x 224Screenshot - Gameplay304 x 224304 x 224