The black-clad Kurohime was once a powerful, beautiful "magic gunner", wielding the greatest ability and power in the world...but she tried to defy the gods with this power, and ended up cursed with the weak, useless body of a child. Today, she roams the land, looking for a way to break her curse. After a run-in with a gang of bandits led by a man named Onimaru, she makes a narrow escape and runs into a mysterious fairy named Renfa, who agrees to break the curse in exchange for helping her. Mahō Tsukai Kurohime (Magic Gunner Kurohime) is a third-person action shooter based on the manga by Masanori Katakura. The story takes place shortly before the first arc in the manga, and follows Kurohime as she helps Renfa. The game is an arena-based shooter similar to Virtual On or Armored Core; each fight generally has Kurohime facing a group of smaller enemies, then a much more substantial boss enemy. She has access to both normal bullets and several of the powerful mahōdan "magic bullets" she uses in the manga, but her magic meter must recharge after they're used. There is also a free mode, where you can play a match against the computer using many different characters, including familiar faces like Zero, Asura, and Onimaru.
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