
Dark Horizons Lore: Invasion

Release Date calendar
December 31, 2006
Platform joystick
Game Type type

No information available

Max Players players

No information available


The game is a mixture between first-person shooters games such as Unreal Tournament 2004 and mecha simulation games such as MechWarrior (similar to Shogo: Mobile Armor Division and Hawken). The player can select between two different factions and various MAV types, with each being equipped with unique abilities and weapons. You can also customize your MAV to some extent, such as being able to trade speed for armour or vice versa. The game has support for various playing modes, such as equivalents of Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. Players can switch between first-person or third-person view while playing the game. Although primarily focused on multiplayer, single-player is allowed through the use of computer-controlled bots.

Alternate Names

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